Guidelines for submission of abstracts
Abstracts should be submitted using the Abstract Submission Form on the conference
website. Please do not make multiple submissions of the same abstract.
Deadline for submission of abstracts: November 18, 2021 Notification of Acceptance
Notification of acceptance will be sent to you via email by November 22,2021.
General Guideline for Abstract Submission:
Abstracts must be submitted in English, and should contain no more than 250 words, excluding title, authors and affiliation.
Please follow and complete carefully all sections in the Abstract Submission Form. The abstract should relate to the conference theme and include the following components:
Title of Abstracts: in Title Case and centre alignment, 14pt, Times New Roman Bold.
Author(s): with right alignment, please list full names and qualifications (ie: Ph.D, RN, etc.) of all authors, including the presenting author. Please underline the presenting author(s).
Abstract text: includes background, study objectives, methods, results, and conclusions no more than 250 words.
Keywords: in lower case with a single line spacing before and after. Please draw a line after the keywords.
Academic Title and Affiliation of author(s): Professor, Department, institution, city, state (if relevant) and country. Please do not use abbreviations for the words Department, Institute, University, etc.
Special characters: To avoid character corruption, symbols, accents, sub and super script should not be used. Symbols may be written in full (e.g.: alpha, beta, etc).
Abbreviations: Use only standard abbreviations. Unusual abbreviations must be defined before being used and should appear in parenthesis after the full word the first time used in the text.
Only abstracts of registered presenting authors will be included in the conference proceedings.
